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TR Supercars

United Kingdom

The TVR Cerbera Speed 12, originally known as the Project 7/12, was a high performance concept car designed by TVR in 1997. Based in part on then-current TVR hardware, the vehicle was intended to be both the world's highest performance road car and the basis for a GT1 class endurance racer. However, problems during its development, changing GT1 class regulations and the eventual decision that it was simply incapable of being used as a road car ended the idea, forcing TVR executives to abandon its development.

Then came along the Helical Technology team of designers, engineers and craftsmen - many of whom worked on the original Speed 12 project. Together they have revived the project and, using the very latest in engineering technology, they have re-designed and built a performance car that is inspired by its original roots whilst at the same time fulfilling all of the demanding requirements of a true supercar - enter the SPEED 12.

The company intends to continue with a low volume approach to producing the SPEED 12 with a predicted outcome of 2-3 cars per year. This approach will allow to design and build vehicles that are truly bespoke and unique in terms of performance, styling and finish. We have avoided modern electronic ‘gizmos’ in favour of a genuine GT Race Car - built for the road but with changeable geometry making it capable of professional track use.
