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Czech Republic

A new sportscar made in the Czech Republic debuted in April 2015 in Praha’s DOX Contemporary Art Centre. Famous designer Petr Novague and Marek Hoffmann joined forces to design and build a modern interpretation of the legendary rally car - Skoda R130 RS.

Based on the Audi R8, Hoffmann-Novague R200 Non-Fiction was a very uncommon coupe with round Bentley-like headlamps and Audi taillights.

The car which is alternatively named ERKO was available only on special request with a starting price tag settled at 255000 euros.

A strange turn in the short history of this brand was an appearance at Monaco Yacht Show 2017. A bright blue car named Tecno MC R200 and covered under Monaco flag was a rebadged Hoffmann-Novague prototype. Fulvio Maria Ballabio of Monte Carlo Automobile was also briefly involved in this venture. 

The car and the company disappeared sometime in 2021. Probably one or two examples have been made in total.
